July 6, 2006

After Dave Brown called the meeting to order, there was a discussion regarding the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Ron Kunkel and Barb Geigle then recounted their trip to Neff’s, PA for some astronomy talks for 80+ Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts.

There will be a club star watch at the Flying Field on Saturday, July 15 starting at 7:30 pm. Dave noted that is the 12th anniversary of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hitting Jupiter. Fourteen club members watched as the impacts were reflecting onto Jupiter’s moon, Io.

The next public program is at the Berks County Heritage Center on August 4 (rain date 8/5) starting at 7:30 pm.  Our annual picnic will be held on August 12, beginning at 4:00 pm at Dave Brown’s farm. The Planetarium is planning a grand re-opening/rededication celebration for October 7 and 8. The Museum asked if we would participate. There is a possibility that astronaut Story Musgrave will be there, and would also be available to speak at our meeting.

Dave announced that we are getting a new club banner through his cousin to replace the current one that has some water damage.

Ron also noted that he and Barb had represented the club for the West Reading Community Outreach Day, where numerous service organizations set up tables on the sidewalk on July 6.

At the May Board meeting, Dave had suggested having another club trip to Cherry Springs for the weekend of July 22, but as that is his 30th wedding anniversary, he won’t be able to attend. If anyone is interested in going, contact Ron Kunkel.

Linda Sensenig announced there is a balance of $$$$$ in the treasury. She is still taking orders for the 2007 Astronomy Calendar, which is $6.50 this year. She will be sending in the order at the end of September. She will still be able to order more after that date, if needed.  Dave noted that we received a check for $35 for our program at Kaercher Creek Park.

Barb announced that the Night Sky Network is having another Teleconference on July 27 at 9:00 pm. The speaker will be Dr. Geoff Marcy, and his program will be “Searching for Habitable New Worlds and for Life in the Universe”. Dr. Marcy and his team have discovered more than half of all the extrasolar planets discovered so far. Club members may participate for free by calling toll-free, 1-877-917-1549, after 8:45 pm on July 27. An operator will answer and ask for the pass code (Night Sky Network), the call leader (Michael Greene), and will ask you to give your name and the club you belong to, and number of people listening with you.

The club is also planning a possible trip to Hayden Planetarium in the fall. We would take a Bieber bus to New York (They run every 2 hours from Reading and Kutztown). A round trip bus fare is $40 for adults, $24 for children 2-11, plus a small fuel surcharge. Ticket prices for the museum start at $14 for adults, $8 for children 2-12. There are additional charges for the Space Show, Imax Film and certain special exhibits. There are also package tickets available. Additional details will follow.

Our program tonight was Member’s Night.  Larry Citro gave a very informative talk about the different types of telescopes, and Barb Geigle showed a PowerPoint and recording of part of a Night Sky Network Teleconference with Dr. Mike Regan of the Space Telescope Science Institute on the galaxy, M82.

 Respectfully submitted

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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