March 13, 2008

Dave Brown called the meeting to order. He announced that member Glen Hacker passed away. He also noted that Barry Shupp had a photo published in the Astronomical League’s magazine, “The Reflector”.

 Astro Notes for March: On the 14th, Mars will be 1.5 degrees south of the Moon and on the 19th, Saturn will be 3 degrees north of the Moon.

 Upcoming Events: We will have a club star watch at the Flying Field on March 29 at dusk.

 The Science Fair at Albright College will be judged by Mike Bashore on March 18; Dave Brown will present awards to the winners on the 19th.

 Our next public event will be at the Dry Brooks Day Use Area of Blue Marsh Lake on April 12, starting with a talk at 8 pm.

 We will then have a table and solar scopes set up at the Reading Earth Day Celebration at Centre Park on April 20, from noon to 5 (rain date is April 27).

 Dave noted that he had been contacted by Fairgrounds Mall to see if we would be interested in setting up there for a possible day event.  He will contact to verify we would be interested.

 May 16 is the probable date for our star watch at Wyomissing Hills Elementary School.  As this always draws a large crowd, we need as many telescopes as possible.

 The Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF) will be April 26 and 27.

 Linda Sensenig reported that our CD is due for renewal; Dave will check into interest rates.  There is $$$$$ in the bank, not including the CD.

 Barb reported that the next Night Sky Network Tool Kit is due to be released in May. It will cover Supernovas and Stellar Evolution.  Several members indicated they had participated in the Globe at Night light pollution project.  She also noted that the Pennsylvania Outdoor Lighting Council will be offering programs on outdoor lighting for municipalities. One will be held at Nolde Forest on April 29.

 Our program tonight was given by Dr. David Graff, “Looking for Life on other Planets”.

  Respectfully submitted

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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